Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Absolute Basics, part 1

How to stand on your skis

1. Skiing is balancing on two pieces of wood that want to run away from you. Your goal is to stay in a centrally balanced position on your skis. Confused?

-Well have you ever played tennis, or soccer? How do you stand when you're about to receive a serve? How do you stand when your defending your goal from a penalty shot? You stand in an athletic, aggressive, low stance, balanced on your feet, ready to go left or right, react instantaneously.

-Well, skiing is the same. When your standing still on the flat, find a position that is athletic. Feel as if your weight is balanced equally along the length of your foot. If your having difficulty feeling this, rock forward onto the balls of your feet, and you will know that your balance is to the front of the foot. Next rock back, and you will feel the weight on the heels. Now, find somewhere in the center, there should be an even amount of weight on the toes and the heel.

- What about your arms? Hold them up, like that goalie about to defend a penalty kick.

- This is your ideal skiing stance. It may feel strange, or may sound too easy. But your goal later on is to stay in this centered position when your skis start sliding down the hill.

That's it for now, I'll post some more soon.

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